Upgrade | Vehicle OS Platform Now Supports AI Large Models

  • 2024-10-14 15:15:49
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Enjoy Move Tech has officially released EMOS 4.0, which supports large-scale autonomous driving models. The company has already initiated a project collaboration with a leading international joint venture brand on the EMOS 4.0 product and has successfully completed the mid-term acceptance.

Previously, Enjoy Move Tech's vehicle-wide cross-domain software platform EMOS already supported machine learning and deep learning. This latest upgrade innovatively applies deterministic communication and scheduling technology to Transformer large models, addressing the real-time and safety dependencies of AI large models. The platform now supports mainstream IC platforms from both domestic and international companies, including Horizon and NVIDIA.

In response to the current hot trend of integrated cockpit and driving systems, Enjoy Move Tech is working closely with partners to rapidly integrate and deploy large language models for both cockpits and intelligent driving.


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